Jill Hungerford has been a working artist for over 35 years. She expresses a strong sense of color and drama while blending design and imagination with technical ability. Her diverse style and mastery over numerous mediums makes Jill's work perfect for both individuals and commercial customers.
One strength of Jill's lies in her ability to work with a client on a project and come up with what they imagined, and then some. Clients are amazed and delighted at Jill's ability to understand and intuit their wishes, creating special, original artwork.
She also paints on silk, creating large format artworks and paintings, room screens, and more. Her style, a sense of color and design ignite Jill's artwork with emotions, feelings, and an innate sensitivity to the beauty of the world around her. As an artist working on a project, Jill strives to allow her feelings and intuition influence her work as it progresses. The final result is fresh, vital and original art.
Jill West Hungerford studied fine art at The Ohio State University, had studies at the Columbus college of Art and design, and Cleveland institute of art. She apprenticed for four years with a master cloisonné enamel artist. The enamel work trained and further inspired her innate color and design sense, and was an intensive education in color and shading that influences her paintings to this day.
Her paintings range from exploring a subject or environment, such as the ocean as seen by the fish (the colors, bubbles, plant life, etc.) to abstractions and representational figurative work using the human form.
Jill says her art is filled with imaginative representations of her world view. "I don't believe things are always as they appear to a single observer, because of this, my work is a fanciful portrayal of my visions, perceptions, and imagination. I know my perspective will be different from the observers. This is one of the beauties of art. It is a facet of life that is subjective in a world of objectives. "
Jill says she strives for "controlled spontaneity", in as much of her work as possible. This is to say, that she strives to allow her feelings and reactions to the subject evolve and unfold intuitively, telling a story as it progresses, resulting in a fresh, vital , original work of art .